Sunday, September 16, 2007

Late nights

I'm sort of getting tired of these late night urges to write. Not that they're annoying, but it's just the fact that they only seem to happen at night when I really want nothing else to do but to go to sleep. Why is it that they only happen then I'm not sure, but I do know that it's always been this way. So to those of you who have the same problem I'm having, you're not alone.

I haven't meditated so I have no briliant sayings for today. Just as I woke from my interrupted sleep I thought of something that sounded good though. I was watching the president talking on TV the other day and heard him say that he was going to start bringing troops home. I started wondering about that over the course of these past couple of days and now it's just finally hitting me. Once you've been through something like that, can you ever really come home? Are you ever really these same after you've spent part of your life seeing things like what is going on over there? I have complete respect for the men and women who served there time and are still serving there time overseas. I know in my heart I couldn't do half the things that the government is asking them to do.

The new question I will ask myself over the course of the next few months is "Once it's all over, can you ever really let go of it all? Will I truely ever be completely over what has happened?"

Who knows...

Until next time.

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