Sunday, March 23, 2008

Warmth of Spring

The winter sky is over here in my small part of Heaven which I call Texas. I can tell it's over just by the disappearance of the hunter in the winter sky. Of course, I'm talking about Orion.

Of all the constellations in the sky, he is the one I watch the most all year long. I guess it has to do with the fact that I've always been close to stories about warriors and mythical creatures. Or maybe there was a time when Orion pointed to something more special in my life. For whatever the reason, his time is come and gone. I'll wait for him for a few months and I'll know winter has come back when he's arrived.

I've taken a long break from writing. I've been trying to clear my head of past ideas that never worked and ideas I have yet to put on paper. When I was younger I remembered writing stories about places that I could see only in my dreams and how I would one day get to see these places. I guess my mind knew that I was lacking for ideas of what I feel I should be writing and I'm suddenly a child again. Filled with the memories of places long forgotten and people who I left behind.

To all the new people who've stopped by my blog and have wondered where I've been, I apologize. Even writers need a time to gather their thoughts every now and again. But thank you for your kind words about how much you like my writing and look forward to when I would be writing more. I'll try to be a bit more consistent this year, but I'll make no promises.

So, I guess it's time for a poem. After reading a few of my past poems I noticed that I don't really have any love poems besides the ones I wrote for the new year. I never was one for sappy love poems because anything you've ever wanted to say to someone you love has already been said by someone else a million times. But I would think the real challenge to writing a poem penned by love would be to be able to say something that has already been said and be able to say it better than they did. Maybe now, I'll give it a shot.


Forever watching
a moonlit covered sky
filled with millions of stars
that remind me of your eyes,
I lay here with you
and quietly slip into what would be reality
if holding you in my arms
was merely a dream.

Letting cool winds cover us
to send a chill through your body
and a message to my heart
to warm you with my love.

And until the time should come
that we should part from
this petite part of paradise,
I shall forever be with you
long after the moon has set
and the stars no longer twinkle.

All I ask until then
is for you to love me the same
and when you utter who you love
let it be my name.


Until next time

© Archangel 2008

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