Sunday, February 14, 2010

Remember What it Means…to Love and Some Wedding Vows if You’re Stuck

It’s half past Midnight here in Texas. It’s St. Valentine’s day. The day when people buy expensive flowers, gifts, and candies to give to the ones they love the most. Because, of course, nothing says loving like an empty wallet on Valentine’s Day.

Ahh, but of course I’m joking. There’s a lot more to this holiday than just what the stores would want to obviously shove down your throat. It’s a lot more than just roses and cupids. It’s more than pink strings and diamond rings, it’s more than candies and all things more fancy. No, it means much more than that. Today is that one day when love is almost as perfect as it’s going to get. If today, if you’re not in love you will either be looking to find love or be cursing up and down about how much you hate this holiday. If you’ve found love, you’ll either be rushing up and down store aisles trying to find that perfect gift, or planning a perfect night with the one you share your love with.

No matter what you’re doing on Valentine’s Day, remember that there is nothing that you can pay for with cash or with your debit cards that are ever going to make you or someone else happy or love you even more. The power of a gift fades, the shine of gold dulls, and even the thought of the gift will lose its meaning eventually.

That’s why Valentine’s Day shouldn’t just be the only day you tell that person you love them with all your heart. Everyday should have a little bit of Valentine’s Day. It shouldn’t take a holiday to tell someone you love them.

What does love mean, Archangel?

I think a question about love is just as difficult to answer as is asking the meaning of life. What exactly is love? Why do we need love in our lives and why is it that when some people have it, they don’t look like they deserve it, and those who do deserve it, are the ones that never seem to have it at all?

Love is that which can’t be touched or bought, it can only be experienced. Love is when that place in your heart is finally filled with the essence of something that you could never fill it with on your own. Love is a pact you make between your heart and your mind in which something you never had before in your life has now come into it and you’re willing to keep it close to you. It’s a person, an animal, or even an inanimate object which brings you such joy that you’re willing to do things you wouldn’t normally do for someone or something else. It’s a bond of trust or understanding.

But telling someone you love them is very much different than being in love with them. When you’re in love, you’ve crossed that final border between, “I will do things for you that I wouldn’t normally do for someone else” to “I would give up a part of my life to do things for you and only you because you are the part of my life that I can’t live without.” Marriages aren’t forged by people just loving each other. They’re bonded by people being IN love with each other. That’s why 50% of marriages end in divorce. You may have loved that person at one point or another, but could you really say that you were in love with that person? Did you know them well enough to know that the things they do in their lives you could live with in yours? Did they meet you half way enough that you knew they would be there for you when times would be tough? Did they ever feel the same way for you that you were feeling for them?

I’ve known several people in my life would would love to be in love. Who would love to have that sort of connection to someone, not just physical, but on an emotional level that most people forget about. You can’t build on a relationship on just what you do in the privacy of your bedrooms. A relationship and the love that holds it together must be built by conversation, mutual agreements, and long term promises that can never be broken. If in those moments when you are building that foundation, it doesn’t seem it will ever be able to be built up, it doesn’t mean that love is hopeless. It means that you just haven’t found that person you’re in love with. Love is never hopeless. Trust me, the promise of love is worth walking a million miles for. Because at the end of that journey, there will be someone willing to take care of you and hear all about it.


As I said in my title, there would be wedding vows. For those of you guys (or ladies) who are up right now who just can’t find the words to say to that special someone, I think I can help you out a bit.

(enter name here), on this day, I make promises to you that I will never make with anyone else on this Earth. I make these promises in front of friends and family and in the eyes of powers greater than me.

With you, I wish to spend the remainder of my days and have them blessed by your spirit in my life everyday, from this day forth. I swear to you that on this day, you can hold me to every promise that I will make to you. I will keep them etched into my soul as long as you keep my heart safe for me. I vow, as your (wife or husband), to do my best to give you the life that is within my power to give to you and to give you every ounce of love and honor that you deserve.

I make no promises that the road we will travel on will be easy, but I promise you, that I will not walk down a path you will not join me on. I will not falter, if you will hold my hand the whole way. If you will be my partner, we will walk through this life with love in our hearts, and hope in our souls, that everyday will be brighter than the last. And we will love each other more than the minute passed.

If you used these lines, please feel free to leave a comment, and congratulations. Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone.

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